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أهم paragraphs متوقعة للصف الثانى الثانوى 2024. pdf


Communication الاتصالات
..Internet Today.. الانترنت اليوم
Communication is no longer about people"
talking to one another, but about machines talking
to machines. This is known as the internet of things
(IOT). Technology is developing so fast that
experts believe everyone
will be Connected to the
IOT in a few years. People Can Control their heating
and lighting from their phones, but in the future
Computers will make the decisions for us. Cars
Can already Connect to the internet using Smartphones
but imagine if you can get a driverless Car to Come
and Collect you using an app on your phone.
Computers Can Collect information about
people and businesses which Criminals Can steal.
They use this information to hack into organisations
like hospitals, power stations and airports, and
Cause major Security problems.
So, we should make use of
when we use Communication with the others
our devices
and use it for our benefits not for harming


تحميل ||أهم paragraphs متوقعة للصف الثانى الثانوى 2024

سبتمبر 12, 2023
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