لغة القالب
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مواصفات الورقة الامتحانية لمنهج Time For English رابعة ابتدائى ترم اول 2014

A.  Listening  (12 Marks)
1.   Listen and circle the word with the short vowel. (4 marks one mark each)
Pupils are given FOUR pairs of words: one with a long vowel and the other with a short vowel. Pupils listen to the pairs and circle the word with the short vowel
2.   Listen and complete.  (4 marks two marks each)
Pupils listen to  FOUR separate sentences.  Each of which has a missing word. They are asked to complete them.
3.   Listen and rearrange the dialogue.  (4 marks one and a half mark each)
Pupils are given a scrambled dialogue tobe rearranged.  They should listen first and rearrange the dialogue by writing 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the spaces before every sentence.

B.  Reading  (12 Marks)
4.   Look and circle the correct words. (6 marks one mark each)
Pupils are given THREE pictures, under each picture, there are a question and two answers
.Pupils areasked to circle the correct answer in each.
5.   Read and answer the questions.  (6 marks one and a half a mark each)
Pupils are given a figure, a picture or a letter.  They are asked to answer Four open endedquestions related tothe item given.  It should be selected from the Set Book.

C. Writing (16 Marks)
6.   Look and write.  (6 marks one and half marks each)
Pupils are given TWO pictures.  They are asked to write TWO sentences about each picture.
7.   Look and write.  (6 marks two marks each)
Pupils are given ONE picture.  They are asked to write THREE separate sentences about it.
8.   Punctuate the following.  (4 marks one mark each)
Pupils are given a sentence ( fromSIX  to EIGHT words ) with FOUR missing punctuation marks.  They are asked to punctuate them correctly.

نوفمبر 04, 2013
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